Where is the party for New Year?
Posted On Tuesday, December 23, 2008 at at 5:19 PM by MaverickBollywood actresses head to New Year parties outside Mumbai

I'll be performing for New Year's eve in Singapore. Performing at a tacky event is a definite no-no. If I'm uncomfortable with the milieu, then the answer is no.

I hope to perform in Delhi this New Year's eve. Although the general mood is gloomy I truly feel that we should not allow fear to overpower us. Recession and then 26/11.we need to regain our strength and power.

It's a matter of personal choice. I'm not comfortable dancing at a New Year's event. But then I don't want to be judgemental about those who do. This year I've said no.

I'm not against dancing in a hotel for New Year's. After all, what's the difference between dancing at an awards nite or at a New Year's eve event? I've danced on Dec 31 in the past, but this time ... no thank you.

Yes I'll go on stage on New Year's eve in London at the City Pavilion. People ask if it's proper to head to London for New Year's eve revelry when Mumbai is mourning and most actresses have cancelled their gigs.

Like any artist, I love performing in front of a live audience. What better way to ring in the New Year?

I've been getting offers to perform on New Year's eve for years. But I've never been tempted. Honestly the remuneration offered for such performances can weaken your resolve. But I've stuck to my ground. So the answer to the offer of dancing at these year-end affairs remains a firm no. I'd prefer to ring in the new year with family and friends.